Food & Drink

Monday Morning Coffee

A Bourbon-Spiked Wake-Up Call from Texas

By UrbanDaddy Staff ·
I’m a black coffee guy.

It makes life easy in the morning, a time when I am generally not looking for any complications. Being low on half-and-half sounds like a complication.

I’m not a morning cocktail person either. No, not even on weekends. I enjoy being alert and getting things done. I find being sober helps with both objectives.

Then I got a package from the Yeti Coolers folks in Austin. It contained two of their Yeti Rambler Lowball insulated stainless steel mugs, a bottle of Garrison Brothers bourbon, ground coffee from Austin’s Cuvée roasters and this aptly named recipe...

Morning Thunder

7 oz freshly brewed Cuvée coffee
1 pour Garrison Brothers bourbon
1 oz half-and-half
1 tbsp brown sugar

Fill your mug with coffee. Add brown sugar and stir until completely dissolved. Add bourbon. Top with half-and-half. Serve hot.

Yes, it seemed like these guys were daring me to change my way of life. Still, I tried it. I brewed. I stirred. I poured. I creamed.

And look at me: I’m getting things done. Thanks, Texas.

I’m still not giving anyone those Hook ’em Horns.

—Chris LaMorte

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