Food & Drink

Monday Morning Coffee

Single-Origin Coffees, Delivered

By Kevin Gray ·
Welcome to Monday Morning Coffee, where we’ll begin each week with something coffee-related. Because it’s Monday. And coffee helps with that.

First up: Crema, a new subscription service that’s very dedicated to finding single-origin coffees from small producers around the world and then sharing those findings with you. After a successful Kickstarter campaign, they’re operational and taking sign-ups now.

Once you’re in, you can browse around a few categories like geography and roast style, and you can read up on the particular coffees and the people who grow them. When you see something you like—perhaps some Sumatra beans with tasting notes of “fresh-fallen leaves, black pepper, grapefruit”—you just add it to your Brewlist. That’s what they call your coffee queue, and it’s from that queue that you’ll get coffee sent your way. Think of it like Netflix, except, you know, not.

You choose the frequency (every week, every two weeks or once per month), and when it’s time for your next shipment, they’ll send you the next coffee on your list. Which means you’ll always be flush with single-origin, hard-to-find beans.

Mornings just got a lot more bearable.
Kevin Gray

Kevin Gray lives in Texas. He likes whiskey, weekends and hammocks, often at the same time.

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