The Ladysmith

Get Out of Dodge

An Oklahoma B&B from Miranda Lambert

None 8 Photos The Ladysmith
Fall road trip season is upon us.

And Miranda Lambert just opened a B&B.

Clearly the universe is trying to tell you something.

It’s saying: “Go to The Ladysmith, a sort-of-rustic-sort-of-modern and generally eye-catching bed-and-breakfast perfect for weekend getaways, now open in Tishomingo, Oklahoma.”

Huh, the universe sounds a lot like James Earl Jones... Also, here’s some stuff you might like to know.

Miranda Lambert. Really.
She bought the abandoned property last year and renovated it to look less like a 1901 dilapidated building and more like a design-oriented ranch hand’s vacation home. (See it for yourself.)

You’ve got eight rooms to choose from.
Each room has its own theme and whimsical description. Like “Where dreams are fueled by horses stepping off the carousel for a secret night of fun.” Ah, now you can picture it. Or just look at the pictures.

There’s a bar and a lounge and a tearoom.
The bar’s sporting local wines, local liquors and a French Quarter–style balcony overlooking Main Street. The lounge has a ’51 Ford truck bench and a Marilyn Monroe statue. And the tearoom serves tea.

That’s about it.
Unless you’d also like to know about the nearby casinos, the wildlife refuge and the nine-hole golf course.

Oops, too late.


The Ladysmith
221 W Main St
Tishomingo, OK, 73460


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