The Rare Barrel

Rare Find

Where to Sample Near-Endless Sour Beers: Here

None 5 Photos The Rare Barrel
Excuse us for saying so, but you really look like you could use a sour beer.

It’s not that you look bad. Far from it. Like what you’re doing today. Like all of it.

But sour beer exists, and there’s a new tasting room in a brewery that’s full of it, so...

Here’s The Rare Barrel. It’s basically a bar dropped into the middle of a brewery—no tiny tasting portions here—and it’s now open Fridays and Saturdays in Berkeley.

Ponder a Saturday afternoon. You’re... wandering through a massive warehouse. Don’t worry, they make beer here, so this is a good idea. Eventually you’ll get to the tasting room in the corner—you’ll know it from the oak barrels and the bar and rails overlooking the brewing facility. Great view. Truly great view.

They’ll have eight of their beers for you to try—four standards and four experiments. Some are brewed with blackberries, some with apricots, and the Fields Forever is made with... well, you can guess what that one’s made with. Anyway, they’re all sour, they’re aged up to three years, and they’re 10-ounce pours. So hopefully you’re here with some time to kill.

Less than three years is okay.


The Rare Barrel
940 Parker St
(at 8th)
Berkeley, CA, 94710


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