
Flea for All

Curating the District Flea

By now, you may have heard—the enterprising New Yorkers behind the Brooklyn Flea are bringing their show to a vacant lot at the corner of Florida and Sherman for the next six Saturdays. But wading through the 100-odd vendors at the <a href="http://districtflea.com" target="_blank">District Flea</a> can be daunting. So here are a few not to miss.

The Coats That Sustained an Empire

The Coats That Sustained an Empire

Pretty soon, it’ll be cold. It may even rain. Two things the British know about. So, too, do these chaps who specialize in vintage Burberry trench coats, British military coats, Barbour hunting jackets, even the occasional houndstooth blazer. The Brits also know something about pheasants.

He Calls Himself Mr. Analog

He Calls Himself Mr. Analog

Sometimes, the name says it all. Like with this guy, who’ll be spinning some of his old vinyl, while showing off his collection of turntables, tube amps and vintage tuners. Might as well flip through his stacks of records, too. You might find a hidden gem. No, not Right Said Fred.

Your Mid-Century Eyeglasses Are Here

Your Mid-Century Eyeglasses Are Here

Maybe you have perfect vision. In which case, congrats. But in case you don’t, there’s Collectable Spectacle, a local dealer of vintage frames—mostly aviators, cat eyes and horn-rims from the ’50s. Which will have you rocking that Buddy Holly look. Or that Manhattan Project scientist look.

Turning Your Place into a Museum

Turning Your Place into a Museum

We like your place. We really do. But it’s lacking in certain departments. The 1930s Yale football cleats department, for example. Also the 1940s airplane propeller and 1970s bass amp departments, which this Maryland trader can help with. We won’t even get into the high school gymnastics mat.

Coffee + Ice Cream Sandwiches

Coffee + Ice Cream Sandwiches

Perusing 100 tables can take some fortitude. But it’s nothing that a cup of cold-brewed coffee and buttermilk-lemon ice cream on a ginger-molasses cookie from Milk Cult can’t handle. So maybe stop there first. And last.

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