Blueprint Tap Room

Blue Clues

Beer, Wings and Bacon Mac in the Design District

None 4pm.

That time of day when you need a little pick-me-up. Like coffee. Or more coffee.

Or a couple pints of excellent beer, some twice-fried wings and bacon mac and cheese.

Right. Just a little pick-me-up.

Feel your eyelids revive for Blueprint Tap Room, a daytime-friendly gastropub that’ll get you all the beer, wine and wings you can handle before sunset, opening Monday.

Where this is: The former Gung Ho. Still all high-ceilinged and warehouse-y, with lots of windows facing 8th Street and... anyway. What were we saying. Got distracted by the huge beer cooler. And 20 beer taps. And eight wine taps.

When you’re going: Lunchtime. No work talk here. Just grab stools by the windows and talk wistfully about life, beer, burgers and whatever game is on, or was on last night, or is about to be on. (There’s a projector screen when needed.)

When else you’re going: Late afternoons and early evenings, for a few rounds of SKB Pilsners and/or Anchor Steams, with some lamb-and-eggs or pork belly fried rice. Also, wings and fried stuff.

When you’re not going: Anytime after that. They close up around 9pm on weeknights.

Because you know what they say.

No good decisions are made after 9pm.

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