Things to do for May 23, 2013

The Weekender

It’s a Long Weekend. You’ll Need Endless Beer and New Sandwiches.

The weekend is kidnapping Monday.

Like Build-A-Bear for Whiskey Cocktails

Like Build-A-Bear for Whiskey Cocktails

Capo’s is doing this new thing called Whiskey Hour. It’s where you customize your own Old Fashioneds. Just tell them what you want in it (bacon-infused maple syrup, honey, agave, candied ginger...) and they’ll make it for you. For $6. Don’t screw this up.

Wed-Mon through Aug 1, 5-6pm, Capo’s, 641 Vallejo St (at Columbus), 415-986-8998

Learning About Beer While Drinking Beer

Learning About Beer While Drinking Beer

Ten breweries are getting together tonight. Good ones like Magnolia and Anchor. And you’re going to meet them at the Old Mint for unlimited tastings. Also, a bunch of talks and exhibits from local brewmasters and beer historians. So hopefully you don’t hate learning. Or beer.

This Place Opens. Sandwiches Ensue.

This Place Opens. Sandwiches Ensue.

We’re going to assume that the thought of eating sandwiches doesn’t offend you. So it stands to reason that this new rotisserie-focused breakfast-and-lunch spot near the Civic Center won’t offend you either. They’ve got Italian-style sandwiches. Lots of them. And beers. Lots of those, too.

What You’re Wearing This Weekend

What You’re Wearing This Weekend

Gitman Bros. Wings + Horns. Reigning Champ. If you walk into Acrimony or Acre/SF over the long weekend, you can buy things from the likes of those guys for 30% less than normal. It’s a Memorial Day weekend sale. And by our calculations, those are pretty splendid.

May 25-27, Acrimony, 333 Hayes St, 415-861-1025, and Acre/SF, 301 Union St, 415-875-9590

Next Thursday
You’re Going Slacklining. You Just Are.

You’re Going Slacklining. You Just Are.

Slacklining. You’re about to do that for free next Thursday. You know slacklining. It’s that thing where you bounce around and balance on a tiny tightrope like that guy from Madonna’s Super Bowl halftime show last year. And hopefully look way less weird doing it.

May 30, 6-8:30pm, House of Air, 926 Mason St (in the Presidio), 415-345-9675

Elsewhere on the Daddy

More Radar in San Francisco