
Taking Sides

A Chef to Cook You Dinner. Every Dinner.

None Cutting the crust off your PB&J.

Baking a potato.

Sous-viding an eight-ounce Colorado lamb shank until it’s just a skosh above medium rare.

Yeah, that stuff can get really annoying.

So we found a guy who’ll do it for you.

Get comfortable and do very little for Main & Sides, an incredibly handy service where a personal chef whips up a week’s worth of dinners inside your kitchen, booking appointments now.

Sounds convenient, we know. Not cooking should really free up your time to explore other worthwhile pursuits. Like learning Mandarin. Or teaching yourself to throw a knuckleball. Or catching up on some TV while a guy makes you tuna steak...

You’ll contact the chef. His name’s Shaun Collins, and he’s worked for restaurants and private clients all over the world. Chances are, you’ll like his cooking just fine. He’ll begin with a one-on-one home consultation. Lots of questions. A surprise fridge inspection. That kind of stuff.

From there, he’ll craft you a personalized menu for the week, shop for the groceries and do all the cooking/dishes. Yes, he cleans.

Of course, if that sounds a bit too perfect, well, okay. He can also prepare your meals in his own kitchen. Those’ll be delivered to your door every Monday afternoon.

And probably eaten by Monday night.

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