Hop Haus North

Wilder Nights

Kangaroo Sliders and Beer in Rogers Park

None 2 Photos Hop Haus North
You're at the end of another successful evening and it's very late.

But before calling it a night, you find yourself craving one more tiny taste of adventure. We have just the thing.

Introducing Hop Haus North, a new late-night beer palace with enough burger creativity to satisfy your most daring 2am cravings.

Located just below Howard Street in Rogers Park, this is of course the second location for Hop Haus—and you might want to think of this one as the original's wilder, more risk-taking kid brother (sort of like a Roger Clinton-type, only without the cocaine).

Which means when you step into HHN, you'll still find Cheers-era gingham tablecloths, murals featuring notorious athletes (say hello to Tonya Harding on your way in…) and towering plates of Texas Chili Fries.

But you'll also discover a kitchen that doesn't turn off the burners until 5am Sunday morning, and a few bold new advancements in the late-night, post-bender culinary arts.

We're talking about the brand-new, shrunk-down Wild Miniburgers: fist-sized safari expeditions like ostrich, kangaroo, buffalo, wild boar and lamb sliders. Scarfed down with their accompanying brew (the menu suggests an ideal burger-beer pairing), it's the perfect capper to a night on the hunt.

Think of it as your feast by the fire…


Hop Haus North
7545 N. Clark St
(near Howard)
Rogers Park
Chicago, IL, 60626


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