Hotel Vertigo

The Suite Life

Checking in to Hitchcock's Old Haunt

UrbanDaddy - Hotel Vertigo San Francisco might not be a moviemaking mecca like a certain not-so-angelic city to the south. But what we lack in numbers, we make up for in spirit.

Like when a classic flick is filmed in a hotel on Nob Hill, we still commemorate it 50 years later…

And unlike the Bates Motel, you can actually check out.

Say hello to the newly remodeled Hotel Vertigo, formerly the York Hotel and famously the Empire Hotel (and set for Hitchcock's 1958 thriller Vertigo), open and taking reservations now.

Whether or not you've seen private dick (and vertigo victim) James Stewart cutting it up on screen with femme fatale Kim Novak, an overnight stay at the Vertigo will drop you right into the action (because who doesn't like role play).

The entire seven-story hotel exudes a stylish noir vibe that makes you feel like you're neck-deep in Hitchcockian mystery. And while the slick white and orange lobby with gleaming marble floors begs for a dramatic entrance, the five new Hitchcock suites are where you'll want to call home. Reserve the Scottie on the top floor for the best views, start with a few Old Fashioneds in the parlor—set up with a long white sofa and orange high-backed chairs—and try not to stare at the spiral mirrors resembling the graphics from the movie.

Unless you really want to experience vertigo.


Hotel Vertigo
940 Sutter St
(E. of Hyde) 
Nob Hill
San Francisco, CA 94109

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