
Love Instantly

You Can Now Date on Instagram

None Well, that was a memorable day off.

The uplifting speeches. The fleeting bipartisanship. Your quadrennial dose of Sousa marches.

And, of course, the comely brunette in the “Yes We Can” ski cap who you spotted across the throng on Constitution Avenue.

If only she were on Instagram. And if you both had this app.

Introducing InstaDating, a new app that could represent your best chance of finding romance amid a giant swarm of people, available now for iPhone.

This is like a probe droid you send out to scour your immediate surroundings for courtship opportunities. But more subtle than that.

You’ll log in with Instagram. You’ll provide whatever personal details you’re comfortable with (relationship status: yes; shirt size: probably unnecessary). It’ll zero in on other users in the vicinity. You’ll see someone you fancy.

At that point, you can send a message or IM. (Yes, this could come off as creepy. So yes, you had better be witty and/or charming. Yes, more so than usual.)

If you’re not quite ready for such a big step, just check their profile to collect a little more intel. And speaking of intel, this app has an “intelligent match engine” that recommends users for you based on your previous selections. Feel free to contact those matches.

Use extra caution if they went to Notre Dame.

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