
The Few

Buy Art, Save the World

UrbanDaddy - The Few GalleryAfter yesterday, we just can't seem to shake the desire to find new ways to do a little good.
And if your apartment happens to look a little brighter in the process, so be it...
Here to help is The Few Gallery—a UK-based online art gallery that sells limited-production art prints and donates part of the proceeds to international nonprofits.
So while you're amassing your collection of rare works of art, you're also earning the titles philanthropist, environmental champion and maybe even friend of the downtrodden.
To start your new philanthropy/art career, find your way to the site, check out the limited-edition prints and you may discover a new favorite graphic artist or illustrator. You can see how many prints will be produced (most likely under 30) and read bios of all the charities that you will be enriching with your generosity.
Once you select the piece that would fit perfectly in your living room, they'll print it, number it and sign it to guarantee that no future prints will be made after the edition is sold out (translation: You won't see this on anyone else's wall) and deliver it to your door.
The best thing about it is that you can do all of this without leaving your couch.
Which in itself seems like a noble cause.

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