Bleecker Heights Tavern

In the Heights

The West Village's Secretish Sports Bar

UrbanDaddy - Bleecker Heights TavernThe perfect playoff-watching spot is a rare, fragile beast.
You want a crowd but not too big a crowd, just the right number of screens...and being above a burger-and-fries joint never hurts.
Welcome to Bleecker Heights Tavern, an undiscovered and recently opened West Village sports bar that might just be the perfect place to watch Sunday's Championship games.
As usual, getting there is half the fun. You go in through the Five Guys burger shop downstairs, drift around the counter, through the unmarked door and up the stairs to find yourself in a simple sports-watching zone, complete with five flat screens over the bar and a healthy assortment of pigskin-crazed locals.
If watching the Ravens and Steelers beat each other senseless in subzero temperatures happens to work up your appetite, the bartender will pop downstairs to bring you as many Five Guys burgers/fries as your heart desires...or at least as many as he can carry.

Of course, if you prefer your gridiron revelry a bit more subdued, there's always the private room in back with a screen of its own and a table just large enough for you and your closest buddies.

And maybe a couple cheerleaders.


Bleecker Heights Tavern
296 Bleecker St
(at 7th Ave S.)
West Village
New York, NY, 10014

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