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Text and TiVo Together at Last

UrbanDaddy - kwiryRegardless of your thoughts on the text message, it's been with you through under-the-table mid-meeting chat sessions, score updates and sly late-night romantic interludes.

Now the text is taking over your TV as well. Introducing SF-based kwiry, a free service that turns texts into online reminders, updates your Netflix queue and—starting today—programs your TiVo.

You might already use kwiry to add movie recommendations to your Netflix list before they slip your mind, so setting up your TiVo shortcut will take just a few seconds. If kwiry happened to fly under your radar, just set up your online account, enable the TiVo shortcut and you're set.
So if you find yourself a few too many martinis in at happy hour to get home in time or you got last-minute tickets to a Warriors game, all you have to do is text "tivo" followed by the show title—"SportsCenter" or "Gossip Girl" (for her, of course)—to 59479 (k-w-i-r-y) and kwiry will set up the recording for the next episode.
So you can get back to more important text-based endeavors...

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