
Good Times...

The Most Dubious Moments of 2012

Not everything in 2012 was strong ales, bacon and barn wood. Nope, some of it was just downright weird. So time to drink in some of the questionable achievements of the year that was.

David Cross Does Coke Near Obama

David Cross Does Coke Near Obama

In an interview with Playboy, comedian David Cross admitted that, as if he’d been double-dog dared, he ducked under the table at the 2009 White House Correspondents’ dinner to sniff a bit of cocaine off his wrist. “It was just about being able to say that I did it, that I did cocaine in the same room as the president,” he said.

Senate Credit Union Talks Big Breasts
MAY 28

Senate Credit Union Talks Big Breasts

In a mailer, the Senate Federal Credit Union asked its patrons, “Got Big Plans?” Recipients got what they were talking about when a gatefold revealed the torso of a woman whose cleavage had been... enhanced. “Let us worry about the money,” the ad trumpeted, implying that you’ve got to worry about going C or D.

Suburban Cocktail Bar Is Too Suburban
MAY 29

Suburban Cocktail Bar Is Too Suburban

Try to open a craft cocktail bar in the suburbs and what do you get... suburbanites, apparently. Less than a week after it opened, Quench in Rockville lost its beverage director, thanks to patrons’ demands for high chairs and kiddie plates. Which is why Draper and Sterling do their drinking in town.

The Case of the Exploding Urinal

The Case of the Exploding Urinal

Reporters have long been uncharitably referred to as “ink-stained wretches.” Better than “urine-soaked wretches.” A urinal in the Capitol’s House Press Gallery exploded, forcing journalists to beat a hasty retreat while staff, in an unwitting commentary on the print medium, used stacks of unread newspapers to soak up the mess.

The Pentagon’s Cupcake-Shooting Tank

The Pentagon’s Cupcake-Shooting Tank

For the Army’s 237th birthday, the gals from Georgetown Cupcake adorned a model of a tank with 6,500 cupcakes. And then that tank shot more cupcakes 20 feet into the air with an air-compressor cannon. We always forget that 237th is the cupcake anniversary.

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