
Do the Didiom If You Want To

Music on Your Cell Phone

You've had a bad case of iPhone envy forever. But in these serious times, giving up your buttoned-down BlackBerry for the sake of a better music player might seem frivolous.

Then again, nothing stimulates the economy like a party...

Introducing Didiom, a new service letting you stream your computer's entire music library to your cell phone for free. No iPhone required.

Launched about a month ago, the product is simple. Download an application to your PC and your media-enabled cell. As long as there's cell reception, you'll be able to browse your computer's iTunes, Zune, Windows Media Player or any file library you designate.

So when it looks like you're on that Very Important Conference Call while waiting for your connecting flight in Munich, you'll really be confabbing with Kanye.

Speaking of big moves, you can also purchase—and bid on, eBay-style—tunes via Didiom's 1.5 million song library (mostly small-label artists), even while simultaneously downloading a version to your PC.

Who says nothing ever gets done in meetings...

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