
Swing Shift

Meet Your New Batting Coach

None Okay, Memorial Day has come and gone.

Party time’s over.

Let’s get serious about the summer. Starting with that softball team of yours.

The pitching could use some work. And so could the batting. And so could the fielding. And...

... We know just the app for the job: SwingReader, a video-based coach available now for your iPhone, just the thing to turn your lovable ragtag team into the Cinderella story of the season.

The first thing you’ll need: the will to win. The second thing: some hours to invest. That’s because you’ll be spending lots of time using your phone to record your teammates in various states of activity: swinging, pitching, throwing, keg-standing.

For the first three, you’ll then analyze their motions in super-slow-mo before overlaying the footage on demonstration videos of pros using perfect form, to see how your guys stack up.

From there, you’ll record notes and make suggestions, emailing these videos to each of your teammates to pinpoint their flaws.

In fact, you can email your analysis to anyone, in case you wanted to bring this to Wrigley and do a little work on the Cubs’ starting nine.

We’re sure you have Theo Epstein’s email address somewhere.

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