You're So Cain

Inside West Chelsea's New Den

Everyone loves a good resurrection story. Especially when it involves booze.

Witness, then, the rebirth of Cain as Cain LUXE, a bit of escapism opening tonight on West 27th Street.

While you may recognize the front door of the old Cain, the rest of the old standby is only a foggy champagne-fueled memory. In its place, you'll find an animalistic Parisian safari bordello that's equal parts Toulouse-Lautrec and Ernest Hemingway. (OK, maybe a little heavy on the Lautrec side.)

The space is smaller than you probably remember, with elephant tusk-ensconced columns, a zebra print-wrapped DJ booth and neck ring-inspired side tables to put you in that National Geographic mood. Thankfully, there's plenty of red light district in here too: Find your way to the red lacquered bar where you can casually survey the entire dimly lit scene from behind a wall of silk tassels. When you're ready to get a little more...involved, move to the purple mohair couches on the dance floor and cap off the night on the only day bed in the entire place.

The vibe will switch up every night (from house and hip-hop to the elusive open format), with the only constants being the troupe of six "Raising Cain" dance girls and a good share of wicked escapism.

Which is precisely why you'd go to a safari bordello in the first place.


544 West 27th St
(between 10th Ave and 11th Ave)
New York, NY, 10001

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