
Bottle Up

An App for Finding the Nearest BYOB

None Fate. Chance. Whim.

Great when playing spin the bottle. Not so great when you’re in need of a good place to actually empty a bottle.

So now there’s BYOB App, which is basically Match.com for connecting your ’05 bordeaux with the right BYO-friendly restaurant in which to uncork it, available now.

The actual technology here is pretty simple. You have something young and French you need to finally get to know a little better. You’re also thinking you should bring some wine. Fire this up, pick the appropriate cuisine—barbecue could be interesting—and a few clicks later, you’ve located the nearest rib shack. Another productive evening of licking fingers and sipping beaujolais.

But if you’re not particularly interested in the cuisine—just as long as the place has glasses—use the GPS to plot all surrounding BYOB places. (Note: there are only about 250 places on the app right now, so you may have to travel a bit outside your neighborhood.)

Oh, and if you want to add your own intel to the app, the makers wisely included an email link for you to alert them if your secret little side-street boîte is not currently listed.

Feel free to ignore it.

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