Things to do for April 12, 2012

The Weekender

Fried Chicken, John Cusack and Zombies on Roller Skates

The weekend makes its own luck.

Burlesque and Booze to Save the Planet

Burlesque and Booze to Save the Planet

Bleeding Heart Bakery presents what it’s calling Sideshow, an evening of seven hard-driving rock bands, five boom-shakalaka-ing burlesque dancers and an open bar. It’s all in an effort to support local farming. Hey, nobody said it had to make sense.

Apr 13, 7pm-2am (open bar 8-10pm), $10, Cobra Lounge, 235 N Ashland Ave (between Lake and Fulton), 312-226-6300

Getting Fancy in a Museum Wing

Getting Fancy in a Museum Wing

The Modern Wing turns itself over to the tender mercies of its Evening Associates, who’ll have their merry way with Griffin Court. It’s a gala of cocktailing, art tours, dancers, video photo booths and superb hobnobbing opportunities. Also, maybe just a dash of international art thieving.

You, Zombies and a Real Live Hobbit

You, Zombies and a Real Live Hobbit

There’s a comic book convention this weekend. Wait, stay with us here. It’s more than that. Sean Astin (or as you call him, Rudy) will be there. Plus, John Cusack, zombie roller derby girls (the sexiest kind of undead) and a guy dressed as Batman. Actually, check that, several guys dressed as Batman.

A Thing for Sharp Objects

A Thing for Sharp Objects

The dullest thing about you: your knives. (Someone had to say it.) The fix: a Saturday trunk show featuring the latest in Japanese cutlery. So you can stop by, pick up some chef-quality blades and get a few pointers from a master knife guy. No, we’re not sure if he’s been trained by Benihana.

Apr 14, 11am-4pm, The Chopping Block, 4747 N Lincoln Ave (between Leland and Lawrence), 773-472-6700

Some Sunday Afternoon Fried Chicken

Some Sunday Afternoon Fried Chicken

You know Dose Market. It’s that monthly bazaar of handsomeness where you’ll find rugged bags from Haberdash EDC and Big Ass Bricks of Soap from Duck Cannon Supply Company. It’s also where you’ll find Honey Butter Fried Chicken and a complimentary cocktail from Nellcôte. Ah, the joys of discovery.

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