
Children of the Corn

The Biggest Cornhole League in Texas

None Two days in and it’s hitting you: the shakes. The cold sweats. The twitching.

Yes, you have the symptoms of full-blown Madonna withdrawal. (You also miss the NFL.)

But don’t worry—we found a whole other way for you to experience the thrill of victory...

Introducing the Texas Cornhole League, the biggest traveling cornhole league in the great state of Texas, accepting sign-ups now for the Dallas tournament.

Let’s be clear. This isn’t some casual game of beanbag toss. No, this is the big leagues—like a U2 stadium tour of Texas, except you’re U2, the stadiums are sprawling ranches, and instead of playing “Desire,” you’re tossing small sacks of corn at raised platforms.

You’ll start by rounding up a teammate/ringer—ideally someone with a strong arm and plenty of time on his hands. (Romo, we mean you.) Then you’ll make a life-altering decision: picking a team name. (“Shuck Bass”: still available.)

Your goal: qualifying for state by winning a tournament or earning points at the various competitions. Your first shot is at the Big D Freezeout, held at a private ranch in Forney (a short 20-minute ride away). After making your way to first place, you’ll earn enough points to qualify you for the state championship here in Dallas this summer.

You hate making your fans travel.

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