
Good Times...

The Most Dubious Moments of 2011

It was a wild one. And good thing we got it out of our system, because nothing will happen next year. So savor these last five days before the Iowa caucuses as we drink in some of the weirdness of 2011.

David Wu Has the Eye of the Tiger

David Wu Has the Eye of the Tiger

Not long after he was reelected, Rep. David Wu was apologizing for erratic behavior toward his staffers, which included sending them a photo of him in a tiger suit. “This was a difficult time in my life,” he said. But not as difficult as in June, when he resigned for alleged misconduct.

Sax Paints Over Its Racy Murals
MAY 26

Sax Paints Over Its Racy Murals

Monica Lewinsky riding a Bill Clinton centaur. George W. Bush swigging from a bottle. Topless nuns. It was all a bit much for Washington’s taste at the burlesque supper club Sax, which was forced to paint over its racy murals just a couple weeks after opening.

Beer Nixed as a Thank-You to Firemen

Beer Nixed as a Thank-You to Firemen

Those DC firefighters: helluva job they do. Just don’t try to thank them with a case of beer. That’s what one citizen did after they put out a blaze in his house. The result: the fire chief shut down the station for two hours and put the men through alcohol testing. May we suggest coffee.

Cupcakes Blamed for DC’s Unmanliness

Cupcakes Blamed for DC’s Unmanliness

So a study comes out that places DC 42nd out of 50 cities in terms of manliness. While we did well in terms of sports teams and sales of salty snacks, we apparently had too many coffeehouses, home decor stores and cupcake shops to overcome. Then again, the study wasn’t very scientific.

Thieves Steal Obama’s Teleprompter

Thieves Steal Obama’s Teleprompter

The surest sign that the economy hasn’t recovered: thieves attempt to tap into the black market for hot chief-executive teleprompters. We can only assume the criminals’ speeches improved dramatically when they got back to their lair.

Elsewhere on the Daddy

More Leisure in Washington DC