

The Quake, via Social Media

So you survived The Big One. Well done. (Not that you still aren’t a little shaken up.) You also managed to share a few witticisms. So did... well, almost everyone. Here we present: the best of the earthquake online.

Making Hay

Making Hay

Source: Former RNC Chairman @EdWGillespie
Message: “POTUS on the golf course when quake hit. What are the odds of that?”
Richter Scale of Cleverness: 5.0

Rolling in the Hay?

Rolling in the Hay?

Source: 40-Year-Old “w4m” on Craigslist’s Missed Connections
Message: “Earthquake evacuation - saw you...but caught in conversation (Farragut Square)”
Richter Scale of Cleverness: 6.0 if he didn’t respond, 8.0 if he did

The Self-Loathing Washingtonian

The Self-Loathing Washingtonian

Source: Slate Political Reporter @daveweigel
Message: “Was all set to loot in Dupont circle, then realized all we have are taco and cupcake stores.”
Richter Scale of Cleverness: 7.0

The Typical Yankees Fan

The Typical Yankees Fan

Source: MSNBC’s @WillieGeist1
Message: “How about the Yankees playing through the pain & lifting up a city after The Quake of 2011? Someday they’ll make an HBO doc about this game.”
Richter Scale of Cleverness: 8.0

The Proper Perspective

The Proper Perspective

Source: Washington Post Food Critic @tomsietsema
Message: “Back in my office ... A vintage cocktail shaker was thisclose to falling”
Richter Scale of Cleverness: 6.0

The Honest Man

The Honest Man

Source: This Guy
Message: “I was scared”
Richter Scale of Cleverness: without the picture, 3.0; with picture, 9.0

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