
Buyers and Cellars

You and Alpana in Melman’s Wine Cellar

UD - Lettuce Wine Cellars Drinking wine in a collector’s private cellar: fun.

Drinking wine with a beautiful woman: more fun.

If that beautiful woman happens to be a master sommelier...

Even more fun. But you better be prepared.

Welcome to Lettuce Wine Cellars, a new wine club and website that sends handpicked selections from the Lettuce Entertain You wine vaults directly to your house, online now.

Consider this a tour of Rich Melman’s wine cellar, guided by the lovely and talented wine guru Alpana Singh. She’ll point out some of the oenophilic highlights, and then you’ll drink them. You’re already working so well together.

Log in to the website and Alpana will greet you with an introductory video on how it all works. Then, you’ll choose from three levels of wine sophistication: Discovery, Explorer and Enthusiast, based on your budget and thirst level. Each bottle of vino arrives with a “Wine Kozy” that fits around it and lists important details—though of course you already knew a 2010 Montepulciano d’Abruzzo was perfect for pizza.

The wine packs are grouped around monthly themes. So this month it’s Italy. Next month: grilling. Then it’s France in September.

You always love France in September.

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