
The Kite Stuff

Skipping over Lake Michigan in a Kite

UD - MACkite Kiteboarding Lessons Man once dreamed of flight.

So someone created an airplane.

Then that got kind of boring. (Though the security pat-downs had their moments.)

So someone combined flight with something you could do in your bathing suit... after a beer or two. Thus, the Age of Kiteboarding was born.

Which brings us to: MACkite Kiteboarding Lessons, finally helping you achieve mankind’s long-held goal of spending weekends skittering across the waves of Lake Michigan while strapped to a wind-propelled paraglider, accepting reservations now.

Think of this as one part wakeboarding, one part waterskiing, one part kite-flying, zero part boat. And while you only occasionally see it practiced on the lake here, it’s old hat in beachside glamour capitals: Miami, Honolulu and, naturally, Muskegon, Michigan. Which, at about three-and-a-half hours around the lake from Chicago, is a pretty good place to start.

This school lets you start at your own pace, but its two-day camp offers you the most comprehensive education. They’ll provide everything you need: two-way radio helmet, wetsuit, harness, footboard, your usual kite-flying gear. And that’s all you’ll be doing... at first.

Once you master control over the kite, you’ll hit the water. Gusts will lift you up and pull you along. You’ll glide. You’ll try a trick or two. You’ll get big air.

Try not to drop your beer.


MACkite Kiteboarding Lessons
800-622-4655, ext 227

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