
Perfect Strangers

Eating with People You’ve Never Met

UD - DineOut Boston Familiar faces. Sure, you’ll see them.

But sometimes you just want to meet some new people. Like, say, at some of the city’s best restaurants. You just need to find the right medium for doing it (especially after that Zoosk misfire).

Allow us to suggest DineOut Boston, a social dining collective devised by a Dbar chef that’s sort of like a platonic for food lovers, accepting signups now for its next event on May 9 at The Gallows.

So here’s how this will work: first, you’ll hit up the site. Once you’ve entered your info, you’ll start getting email updates about the next meetup. Then, just show up ready to mingle and eat (and feel free to bring friends; it’s open to all).

For the first hour, you’ll work the room over cocktails. Then, after successfully chatting up that Peruvian exchange student who was eyeing you from across the room, you’ll join everyone else for a massive communal dinner—thankfully, under a “separate checks” format (note: keep an eye on that Peruvian).

As far as the crowd, you can expect an eclectic mix of professionals, restaurant industry folks and perhaps a few aspiring models.

Feel free to bring the party back to your place.

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