Things to do for April 08, 2011

The Weekender

Lobster Rolls, Crumpets and a Sleepover at the Library

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An Outdoor Kiosk of Lobster Rolls

An Outdoor Kiosk of Lobster Rolls

If you love something, set it free. Especially when that something is a top-split Pepperidge Farm bun filled with fresh Maine crustacean. You see, starting today, Ed’s Lobster Bar is taking their famous rolls (along with po’boys and peekytoe crab sandwiches) outside to North Cove Marina. Meaning spring can now technically begin.

90% Off at Odin

90% Off at Odin

You’re always thinking five moves ahead. It’s why you’re able to fill wardrobe holes months in advance with a sale of Duckie Brown wingtips, Rag & Bone denim and Burkman Bros. fitted shorts. It’s also why you haven’t lost a game of Jenga in 11 years.

Through Apr 10, Fri 1-8pm, Sat 12-8pm, Sun 1-7pm, Odin, 159 1st Ave, 212-475-0666

A Macaron-Stocked Date Spot

A Macaron-Stocked Date Spot

Protocol dictates that a West Village date night go: Da Silvano into Sweet Revenge into Little Branch into, well, you get the point. But that doesn’t mean there’s no place for quaint tea parlors with 100 varieties of loose-leaf brew and gourmet yuzu macarons. You can never have too many macaron joints.

Now open, Bosie Tea Parlor, 10 Morton St, 212-352-9900

An Overnight NYPL Scavenger Hunt

An Overnight NYPL Scavenger Hunt

The New York Public Library. Home to 20 million books, 18 miles of underground stacks and now an epic 500-person overnight treasure hunt. Ready yourself to decode the mysteries of the Dewey Decimal System. Track down Kerouac’s long-lost reading glasses. And all the while, never raise your voice above a whisper.

The Pairing of Poetry and Cocktails

The Pairing of Poetry and Cocktails

Nobody needs to tell you it’s National Poetry Month. But just to be safe, here’s a gentle reminder. Also, Back Forty’s hosting a slam of famous poems and the tipples they inspire. Expect sonnets, doggerels and pass-arounds like Hot Doughnuts with Bourbon Bacon Glaze. You feel a haiku coming on.

Apr 12, 6:30-9pm, Poetry and Cocktail Slam at Back Forty, 190 Avenue B, 212-388-1990

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