
The Final Cut

Like the NFL Draft for Steak

UD - White House Meats We have a prediction. After what’s sure to be a bacchanalia of chili, wings and mini burgers this Sunday, you’ll get to thinking: all this meat could become a habit.

A lifestyle, even.

With that in mind, we’d like to tell you about White House Meats, an ingenious new program that involves local farms, naturally raised cattle... and a live meat draft.

Think of this as a livestock investment that will begin to pay dividends just as outdoor grilling season approaches. The mechanics of this thing are pretty simple: you’ll sign up online for a share of a cow. Meanwhile, the two DC-based engineers who run it connect with local cattlemen and butchers, who deliver the beast—in prepackaged cuts—to White House’s “Meat-Ups” that take place once or twice a month (there’s one on Capitol Hill tomorrow, in fact).

There, you and the rest of the carnivorous crew will draw for position and draft your favorite cuts of grass-fed, dry-aged beef. When all is said and done, you’ll wind up with 20-plus pounds of steaks, roasts, sausage and ground beef (depending on if you traded any of your picks for a steak to be named later).

You can also opt for a prepackaged, 15-pound box of assorted cuts, or arrange to buy a whole side of beef and have it cut to your exacting specifications. And we have it on good authority that lamb and chicken may make an appearance at future drafts.

As might Mel Kiper Jr.


White House Meats

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