DogDaze Bar League

League of Nations

Playing Bocce Inside an Irish Pub

UD - DogDaze Bar League Bringing the outdoors in works for some things better than others.

Herding reindeer into your living room, for example, would be a bad idea.

Lawn sports, on the other hand, work surprisingly well.

Introducing the DogDaze Bar League, the city’s first competitive co-ed indoor bocce and cornhole league, now registering teams for its January launch at Ireland’s 32.

When we call it competitive, we mean that they’ll keep score and track winners and losers. But basically, if you have arms, you can join this league—and if you can balance a beer in one hand while tossing balls or bags with the other, even better.

You’ll want to recruit a few bowling-savvy friends for your team of up to six. Team names and uniforms are optional, in theory, but you know that nothing intimidates better than a little bit of gang mentality (a synchronized chant in the huddle helps too).

You’ll get assigned match times, alternating between games of bocce and cornhole (for the uninitiated: it’s essentially a drinking game involving a beanbag toss) for the seven-week tournament—with champs determined by overall winning percentage.

Now, you might be wondering why an Italian lawn game is being played inside an Irish pub. Aside from bringing two nations together in a UN-like act of diplomacy, well, really, that’s it.

That and a liquor license.


DogDaze Bar League
at Ireland’s 32
3920 Geary Blvd (at 3rd Ave)
San Francisco, CA, 94121

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