
Dog Town

Chicago Dogs and Fried Pickles on 14th

UD - ChiDogO's Now, we don’t want to get off on a city vs. city rant here, but there are a few things that Chicago does better than us. Plowing snow. Baseball (barely). Vote “counting.”

And finding creative ways to put meat on bread.

Which brings us to ChiDogO’s, a no-frills Chicago hot dog joint opening next week at 14th and U for another late-night fix.

This is the kind of place that President Obama would... actually, he’ll probably be first in line (as for the First Lady, she’s out in the vegetable garden, but that’s not important right now).

You’ll see the beckoning light of the “Vienna Beef” sign in the window—they’re open until 4am on weekends—and make your way into the quick-serve spot, adorned by not much more than a mural of the Windy City and some corrugated metal.

First up, get yourself a pint of Goose Island 312, and steel yourself for what’s to come: either a foot-long Vienna dog with all the standard Chicago accoutrements (mustard, pickle spear, celery salt, etc.), or an Italian beef sandwich, smothered in hot peppers, mozzarella and gravy.

Of course, perhaps you’d rather not decide. For that, may we direct you to the Superior Street Combo—a foot-long and a large beef sammy, with fries. Finish it in 20 minutes, and the Chicago-bred owner will add your name to the “Wall of Honor.”

They’ll salute you next time you come in.


1934C 14th St NW
(at U St)
Washington, DC, 20009

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