2nd Floor on Clinton

It Takes Two

Hidden Upstairs Cocktailing on the LES

UD - 2nd Floor on Clinton That was messy.

Great fun, sure. But perhaps yesterday’s Halloween after-after-party, coming on the heels of two nights of tangling with gangs of sexy Chilean miners and tall Snookis, wasn’t entirely necessary.

Or maybe it was.

Either way, you’re going to be needing some quiet time.

Preferably in a secret upstairs bar, where standing is prohibited and cocktails come with the gracious accompaniment of chocolates. Chocolates filled with bourbon...

Allow us to present the welcoming shelter that is 2nd Floor on Clinton, a little cocktail attic opening Friday on the LES.

To find this refuge in the LES maelstrom, escort your date through Barramundi to a door in back marked “Private.” Pay no mind to this marking. Walk through and your night will begin.
You’ll be greeted by a hostess who will lead you upstairs, where the stress of a thousand Lady Gaga costumes will melt away as you enter a living room of overflowing bookshelves, classic paintings, mismatched chairs of varying plush textures and sizes, subtle jazz wafting on the air and room for only 35 other quiet revelers.

Taking a seat—and everyone must take a seat—you’ll want to start with a Brown Derby (rum and maple syrup), or else warm your newly winter-bitten bones with a hot Maiden’s Prayer of Armagnac and lavender.

And if you want to avoid a full house, 2nd Floor has a secret text-only phone number for requesting a table that we’ve managed to procure for your convenience.

The only reason we procure anything.

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