
Lawn and Disorder

Introducing Extreme Croquet

UD - San Francisco Extreme Croquet Club You’ve never been one to follow the rules.

You proudly wear white after Labor Day. You don’t use crosswalks when you cross the street. And no one—we mean no one—tells you how to play croquet.

So let us introduce you to the like-minded rebels San Francisco Extreme Croquet Club, a roving gang of croquet-loving radicals who literally play by their own set of rules, accepting new members now.

In short, it’s garden-variety croquet, but with a little more... extreme-ness. You’ll start by signing up on SFECC’s Facebook page. Next, you’ll recruit a few like-minded mallet (and beer) enthusiasts to join you. Finally, when the appointed date arrives—most games take place on Sunday afternoons—you’ll head to Golden Gate Park and get your croquet on.

Now, the first rule of extreme croquet club is you do not talk about extreme croquet club. Sorry, scratch that—the first rule is actually that any beers left on the grass are fair game. And if you knock one over with your ball, you’ll get two bonus turns. (Really.) Other rules concern out-of-bounds (there is none), playing multiple games at once (encouraged) and the importance of a proper après-croquet destination (usually the Tee Off Bar and Grill on Clement). All you need to do is show up, presumably with a souped-up mallet in hand.

Go ahead, call it Croquet Monsieur.


San Francisco Extreme Croquet Club

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