Playboy Redux

Rabbit Redux

If Hef Opened a New Art Gallery...

UD - Playboy Redux You’ve long considered the Playboy Bunny a work of art.

So it’s nice to see that, at long last, someone finally agrees with you.

Introducing Playboy Redux, an art exhibit taking that 50-year-old Chicago-born icon into strange and interesting new directions. Artistically speaking, that is.

Now, we know what you’re thinking: why mess with perfection? Tell you the truth, we don’t know, but after seeing the results, we think you’ll be okay with it.

The show comes via the Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh and is officially sanctioned by the Playboy folks, so your cotton-tailed beauties are in safe hands. In this case, those hands actually belong to an assortment of 35 contemporary artists, each of whom has interpreted the Bunny through his or her particular lens... including at least one Polaroid lens. (Don’t worry—it’s tasteful. But not, you know, too tasteful.)

You’ll be happy to know the work is for sale, so you can finally cover that one bare wall you’ve got left in your apartment—because you’ve probably been waiting for just the right acrylic-on-watercolor paper of a flame-haired cocktail waitress depositing a key down her bosom in a work entitled Oops!

Such subject matter is too important for oil paints.


Playboy Redux
at Rotofugi Gallery
2780 N Lincoln Ave
(at Shubert)
Chicago, IL, 60614

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