Hotel Delmano

Checking In

Inside Brooklyn's New Cocktail Den

There's no shortage of artisan cocktail dens these days, but there's always room for one more. Even if we have to cross a bridge or two...

That's why when we heard the buzz about Hotel Delmano, we made the trip to Williamsburg... and we can tell you that it's worth the ride.

The latest lounge to hit the scene, Hotel Delmano (ironically hotel-less) brings you the milk and honey you're so used to in Manhattan—with a little extra Brooklyn charm. What would be the front door is locked up and the windows are all frosted. But trust us, when you walk around to the side gate and enter the antiqued barroom, you won't be disappointed. Faded paint, old-school fans and brasserie style, marble-top tables greet you and whet your appetite for a strong, old-timey cocktail.

Take survey of the scene from the front bar (you'll find a smart, sexy crowd), or find your space in the more intimate red and green back rooms, candlelit and perfect for a date. Once you're settled, the Delmano's cocktail list offers twists on some of the great libations of the past, like our favorites the Last Word (a gimlet spiced up with maraschino and chartreuse) and the Scoff Law, which pairs rye with lemon juice and pomegranate grenadine.

Taste Williamsburg again for the first time...


Hotel Delmano
82 Berry
(entrance on N. 9th)
North Williamsburg - North Side
Brooklyn, NY, 11211

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