San Francisco Wine Center

Cellar's Market

Your Own Private Wine Cellar

UD - San Francisco Wine Cellar There's no place like home.

A place where you can kick back for hours with cushy leather chairs, endless wine, enormous cigars and excellent, excellent company.

If you could only bottle that feeling and take it with you...

Enter: San Francisco Wine Center, devoted to every single aspect of vino-related enjoyment—from cellaring to collecting to drinking a few bottles—accepting memberships now.

Formerly a meat distribution center, the historic 1920s warehouse cellars roughly 10,000 cases in a gigantic labyrinth of a space in SoMa. But if you had to know about one room, and one room only, it would be the Reserve Room.

Lined with dark cherry cabinets, each with storage capacity for up to 15 cases, this is where you'll likely keep your stash. Since it's equipped with a big mahogany table and fully stocked humidor, it's also where you'll uncork your preciously aged wines en route to dinner (or, if a poker game spontaneously breaks out, in lieu of dinner). And if you're worried about any smoke contaminating the air around your precious Bordeaux, they've got a state-of-the-art exhaust system that'll pull every last puff out.

Make your entrance through the secret alleyway door via the parking lot. It's generally reserved for their more famous guests looking to slide in without the paparazzi, and it's the most direct route to the Reserve Room.

Or, as we like to call it, the Bat Cave.


San Francisco Wine Center
757 Bryant St
(at Fifth)
San Francisco, CA, 94107

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