
Spiced Up

Strong Gin and Indian Food in Wicker Park

It's Friday and you are simply done. Checked out. Finished. Gone.

You'll spend the next 48 hours getting in touch with your inner being and meditating on this crazy little thing we call existence on some secluded mountaintop in Nepal.

Or, in a pinch, Wicker Park.

Say namaste to Cumin, an exotic little jewel on Milwaukee opening tomorrow. We can't promise you'll find enlightenment, only some intriguing food and really good gin, which is a damn good start.

You'll find this place a handy addition to your low-key Friday night standbys. From the outside, this is a pretty unassuming spot—low-slung brick facade, big picture window. But once inside, you'll find a clean, modern setting that's not huge, but just big enough. Imagine if Virgin Atlantic flew direct to Kathmandu.

Settle into a seat overlooking Milwaukee, where before long you'll find yourself caught up in a whirlwind of Nepalese traditions—Chicken Momo (steamed dumplings), Gorkhali Khasi (goat meat stew)—before embarking on a freewheeling evening of masala, tandoori and fiery vindaloo. (Which happens to be your favorite kind of vindaloo.)

Speaking of vindaloo, your usual Indian pilsners will be on hand to cool you down if things take a turn for the scorching. Still, don't overlook the lineup of fine British gins with names like Boodles and Small's.

Everyone loves a good Boodles call.


1414 N Milwaukee Ave
(between Evergreen and Wolcott)
Chicago, IL, 60622

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